
Despite of wild life sites full of mammals, Kumana National Park takes a prior step as it’s renowned for its avifauna, particularly its large flocks of migrating waterfowl and wading birds.

Also known as Yala East National Park, this park is located in the Ampara district of Southeast of Sri Lanka at a distance of 391km from Colombo. Covering an area about 18,149 hectare of land, this bird sanctuary offers a wonderful opportunity for bird watchers specially during months of May and June as numerous species of birds nest around the swampy area, the 200 hectare “Kumana Villu”.

Birds like herons, egrets, white ibises, spoonbills, painted storks and pelicans can be easily spotted while very rare species of Black Necked Storks, Great Thick Knee, and Eurasian spoonbill can too be found in this appealing park.

Different varieties of animals like leopards, elephants, wild boar, European otter, golden jackal and fishing cat can be witnessed, while mainly grown fauna, mangrove, is too abundant with the Kumbuk trees and Karan fern trees grown along with it. While becoming an “absolute must” park for bird watching enthusiasts, Kumana is a remarkable site to fulfill anyone’s mind with joy and happiness.
